Zero Waste Refills & Bottle Returns

You get $1 credit for each reusable container you return to My Eco Shop to use on your next purchase. This is how you can have zero-waste refills when you can't come into our store, or when you forget to bring containers with you. 

For Local Customers: You can either sign up for our Local Delivery service (think traditional milkman style) and leave your containers on your porch and will exchange them for filled ones, 

OR shop at our main location in Northside Marketplace. Sign up for a Refill Time here:


For Ship Customers: Save up your containers and ship back to us (Northside | My Eco Shop: 21 Furnace St. Akron, OH 44308). We do not cover shipment costs; however, this way, you know the containers are getting used and used again.